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The goal of the District Wellness Committee is to send a consistent message regarding good nutrition and eating healthy.  It is equally important that our celebrations reflect the healthy changes being made by the district. Between holidays and birthday celebrations, the number of high fat, sugary foods and beverages a student consumes during the school year can add up quickly.  We are requiring that our schools celebrate with healthy food and snack options.

The District-wide “Celebration Traditions” have been changed to comply with state and Federal School Nutrition Guidelines.  At the heart of the change, schools must focus on providing only healthy snacks/ food or non-consumable items for classroom parties and celebrations.

Classroom Birthday Celebrations

Please refrain from bringing unhealthy food and beverages during classroom birthday celebrations. We encourage bringing non-consumable items such as take-home goody bags with pencils, stickers, coloring books, or age-appropriate items to celebrate your child’s birthday with their classmates. Again, we will no longer allow unhealthy snacks to be distributed during classroom birthday celebrations. If “sweet treat” items, (cookies, candy, cupcakes, cake, ice cream, etc.) are brought to school they will not be allowed to be distributed during classroom instruction.

We know this is a big shift, but it is also a great opportunity to share creative ideas prior to any celebration purchases, we encourage all parents to first check with their child’s teacher. There are many fun ways to celebrate without food or with healthy food options. Check out the list attached for some suggestions or share your own creative ideas!

Please help us provide your child and their peers with a healthy and active learning environment. 

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