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1101 Monterey Avenue
Chowchilla, CA 93610
(559) 665-8050
(559) 665-8026
Education Code section 48205 identifies the following acceptable reasons for “excused” absence, although the school does not receive funding. Students will be given an opportunity to complete work, which is reasonably close to, but not necessarily identical to, missed work. Please contact the school three (3) days in advance for any of the following absences:
The pupil’s absence for the reasons cited above must be requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or his/her designee. Only in cases of emergency will the principal approve an absence after it occurs.
A pupil whose absence is excused according to the above conditions shall be allowed make-up privileges. Students shall make arrangements with the teacher to make up missed work prior to the absence, and such work is due upon the return of the student to school. The time for make-up may be extended by the teacher.
Students are considered tardy if they are not in their assigned room or work area with necessary materials when the bell rings.
Education Code section 46010 identifies the acceptable reasons for “excused” absences for which the school receives funding (A.D.A.) Students who are “excused” will be given the opportunity to complete work that is reasonably close to, but not necessarily identical to, missed work. The types of absences identified in this code include the following:
Students shall be permitted to make up missed assignments. Students shall be allowed 2 days for each day of absence to make up the work. The time for make-up may be extended by the teacher. Responsibility for requesting missed work lies with the student and parent.
Phone: (559) 665-8050
Please call the school by 10:00 am to excuse any absence.